The information in this section was obtained by 3 officers and 20 enlisted
men of the British Army who escaped from the Japanese after having been
held prisoners for 36 hours. They were part of a group of 80 captured
when the Japs posed as Chinese troops and gave a friendly signal.
From this incident, it is clear that the Japanese in the future will
try to take advantage of the difficulties experienced by United Nations
forces in identifying troops as Chinese or Japanese. The Japs undoubtedly
had learned—probably from Fifth Columnists—the signal used by
the British and Chinese for means of identification.
The Japanese who deceived and captured the British group did not wear the
five-pointed yellow star (denoting Jap army) on their caps. Their uniforms
and physical features also resembled those of the Chinese. As pointed out
in Intelligence Bulletin No. 2, a large percentage of
Japanese soldiers have physical features similar to the North Chinese
soldiers; therefore, extreme caution should be exercised in making identifications.
At first the Japanese were very friendly to the British, and passed around
cigarettes. Some of the Japs spoke good English. Shortly afterward, however, each
of the British soldiers suddenly was seized from behind
and relieved of his weapons. After the capture, 4 officers and 70 enlisted men
were photographed by a movie camera, the operator of which was well trained
and had plenty of modern equipment.
Some of the prisoners were fed concentrated food. The quantity was about
two-thirds the size of a penny match box. The food was sweet and very nourishing.
One British officer noticed that the oil on a Japanese rifle appeared to
collect neither dust nor sand.